
Frequently Asked Questions

Where is CLC located?
CLC is located at 90 La Salle Street, inside the Morningside Gardens residential  complex in Upper Manhattan. Morningside Gardens takes up the full city block between Broadway and Amsterdam, and 123rd Street and La Salle (equivalent to 124th).

Is CLC affiliated with any other institutions?
CLC is affiliated with Morningside Gardens Housing Corporation and Columbia University.

When is CLC in session?
CLC is open five days a week from September through June. We offer a summer camp program during the month of July. CLC is closed during August.

When does CLC have vacations? Does CLC observe any holidays?
CLC is informed by the NYC DOE’s Public School calendar for all major breaks and holidays. Various PD days are also scheduled throughout the year.

How many days per week can my child attend CLC?
CLC runs five days per week, and children may join in 3-, 4- or 5-day a week programs.

When is drop-off/pick-up?
CLC drop-off is at 8:30 AM daily. We currently offer two different pick-up times: 1:00 PM, and 3:30 PM.

How many classrooms does CLC have? How many children and teachers per class?
CLC has three classrooms:

  • The Yellow Room: 10 Infants/Toddlers from 6 months to 2 years. 3-4 teachers.

  • The Red Room: 12-16 Preschoolers 2-4 years old. 3 teachers.

  • The Purple Room: 14-18 Preschoolers 3-5 years old. 3 teachers.

Additionally, each semester we have student and work study teachers assisting from Teacher’s College.

What is CLC’s age range?
CLC accepts babies and children from 6 months to 5 years.

Where do children go after CLC?
CLC children move on to a variety of schools, including both public and private ongoing schools. The administration works alongside teachers on kindergarten and pre-kindergarten exmissions. In recent exmissions seasons, CLC sent children to Ethical Culture Fieldston School, Manhattan Country School, Studio School, Bank Street, Blue School, Hunter College Elementary School, Anderson, TAG, CPE 1 & 2, Manhattan School for Children, as well as local programs like P.S. 125, P.S. 180, P.S. 75, and others.


Who makes up the student body at CLC?
CLC serves a diverse New York City population. We are committed to creating a community that reflects New York City’s diversity.

What is Morningside Gardens?
Morningside Gardens is the residential complex in which we are located. The beauty and safety of Morningside Gardens make it an ideal place for our children to grow and play. 

At CLC, it is our goal to create a community that feels like an extension of home. We hope that when you walk through our doors, you feel the warmth of our special school wash over you.

There are many ways for parents to join in the fun at CLC: from gathering at weekend school concerts and picnics, to coming in and sharing a home recipe with your child’s classroom, to popping into one of our weekly hootenannies. We cherish the opportunity to work alongside parents, and are always looking for new ways that families can add their spirit to our community.

Learn more about parent life at CLC in our parent handbook.
